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Incentive Prize awarded for ‘Liz and her Singer’
I was fortunate enough to receive the Incentive Prize for my portrait of Elizabeth Haywood, author of ‘The Dressmaker’s Companion’ and ‘Zero Waste Sewing’.
Incentive Prize awarded for ‘Liz and her Singer’
I was fortunate enough to receive the Incentive Prize for my portrait of Elizabeth Haywood, author of ‘The Dressmaker’s Companion’ and ‘Zero Waste Sewing’.
Online Workshop
Due to the cancellation of all events due to COVID-19, and the many requests I have had about returning, I decided to do an online version of my ‘Acrylic Ink...
Online Workshop
Due to the cancellation of all events due to COVID-19, and the many requests I have had about returning, I decided to do an online version of my ‘Acrylic Ink...